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Weight Management Education Programme

A Free Weight Management Education Programme available

for patients registered within the EAST PCN. 


This programme aims to help patients learn about their own bodily responses and gain control over their weight without the need to follow formulas, diets or count calories. It is about helping people understand the processes linked with weight problems so they can chose the strategies that best suit them as individuals. 


There is no one better than yourself to know what feels right. Our goal is to help motivate you to find the answers as you learn to read the signs of your body and how it reacts to the surrounding environment.  


There is no pressure, no weighing, no guilt or shame. It's all about learning the missing links to make gradual lifestyle adjustments that work for you. Your lived experience, family history, personal circumstances and physical individualities are all important parts of the puzzle that need to be considered. 


Join us for 6 fortnightly sessions of 90 minutes in a friendly environment of gradual learning and discovery.  The programme is designed and delivered by the Senior Health Coach.

For further details or to register, please email us on

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